Learn how to create and maintain a more secure, safe environment for your business or organization and your family. Engage SRMG’s highly-educated, experienced professionals to deliver timely, dynamic, and interesting presentations that will positively impact your audience.
The topics below are a small sample of the many subjects on which our experts are qualified to speak. We are happy to work with any of our clients to develop custom presentations or tailor content for specific events such as keynote addresses.
Scott Nelson (back row, fourth
from left) and other veterans of the historic battle
to retake Hue City, Vietnam, during the massive Tet
Offensive join active duty Marines of the 1st Light
Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, Camp Pendleton,
California, to discuss leadership and lessons learned in
urban combat environments. |
"Corporate Combat—A
View from the Trenches (The Art of Corporate and Personal
Corporations, law enforcement groups,
the military, and companies providing services of all
kinds in today's competitive, changing environment must
understand how the dynamics of leadership impact their
ability to be successful. Learn how adapting, strategizing,
and planning within the context of time-tested U.S.
Marine Corps combat leadership principles and traits
can make a real difference in your personal life and
your business. View the historic battle for Hue City
in the Vietnamese Tet Offensive up close and personal.
Learn how a small band of Marines overcame political
blunders and overwhelming odds to emerge victorious.
here to download a PDF document with additional
information about this topic. You must have Adobe® Reader® to view PDF files.

New Look for a New Time"
Corporations and individuals must
now adapt to a new security and safety paradigm. Learn
the four basic secur-link steps that you can
take to prevent and protect your family and your company
against the threat of personal injury, loss of property,
and intrusion in a new and more difficult world. Be
savvy. Be prepared. Adopt 360-degree protection.
"Heroes and Goats: 21st
Century Leadership at Its Best...and Its Worst"
Learn about leadership from those
who have done it right and those who have done it wrong.
Let history be your teacher. Examine change leadership,
ethics leadership, action leadership, and reverse leadership.
"The New Terrorism—Not
in My Backyard"
Learn how experts view the global
spread of terrorism, and understand how it might affect you and
your company. Understand the trends; the strategies
for prevention, avoidance, and protection; and the new
rules of engagement.
here to download a PDF document sample that
illustrates how we can tailor this topic to your company
or organization. You must have Adobe Reader to view PDF files.

"Workplace Violence—It Can't Happen Here"
Examine the dynamics of workplace
violence and its potential impact on your company. Learn
how to identify the elements of a hostile workplace and
how communications can enhance corporate security and
safety. Learn what to do and how to do it.
"Selling Corporate Security—A Look Up and a Look Down"
Learn how to create a successful
corporate security program that the top brass, employees,
and clients will buy into. Learn how security does make
real "cents" and can specifically affect your bottom
line. The key terms are collaboration, collaboration,
"Threat Risk Management—Common Sense Steps to Identify and Avoid Risk"
Learn what every security director,
chief of police, and executive should do to identify
and avoid risk. Understand the elements of security
and safety risk and learn how to minimize their impact
on your business and personal lives.
"Ethics in Law Enforcement—The Right Way at the Right Time"
Police departments across the country
face daily dilemmas in their sworn duty to protect and
serve. Learn how to instill commonsense ethics at all
levels of your organization to ensure a more professional,
believable operation that relies on the support and
goodwill of the community you serve.
"Guerrilla Communications—Be There or Be Square"
Learn about the new style of communication
and how it can impact you and your organization. Discover
how to communicate up, down, and sideways during crisis
situations. The media is a tool of the informed. It
may not be what you say, but how you say it and to whom
that really counts.
"Travel Security—Simple
Steps for Simple Safety"
Learn what to do when you travel.
Whether you are going across the state or across the
world, preparation and communication are key elements
to ensure that you have a safe, productive trip. Find
out helpful tips for air, car, and boat travel.
"Natural Disasters—Plan
for the Worst, Hope for the Best"
Learn about natural disasters such
as earthquakes, floods, and fires, and find out how you
can prepare for these events with both a family and
business plan to minimize disruption and injury.
"Crime Trends in the 21st
Century—A Look to the Future"
Futuristics is more that crystal
ball gazing—it is a look at past crime activity to
predict future trends. What will you and you company
face tomorrow? Cyber terrorism? Homeland security issues?
New rules? New regulations? Learn about the dynamics
of crime in our century and how it can impact you and
your business.
"Emergency Management—Let's Just Play it by Ear"
Emergencies occur at the worst possible
time—count on it. Learn simple plans and techniques
to ensure you, your employees, and your family are prepared
to meet unexpected crises. Don't just play it by ear.
"Reinventing the Security
Wheel—Don't Do It"
Learn how to tap best practices
and existing resources to build a security program for
your company and your family. What has worked successfully
for others will work for you. Don't beta test on your
"Due Diligence—No Longer
Just an Option"
Learn what every company in America
should know about protecting their assets and reputations.
Understand the importance of avoiding the appearance
of culpability or negligence, and protect yourself and
your organization from civil and criminal liability.
Learn why preemployment screening for employees, vendors,
and potential business partners is an absolutely necessary,
common "cents" approach to business success.
"Attitude, Education,
and Prevention—The Power of Three"
Learn how the power of three can
help improve your security and safety environments,
from a Sunday drive; to security in your neighborhood;
to creating a safe, healthy workplace for you and your
employees. Adopt a new attitude and style that is simple,
practical, and workable in a seemingly complicated,
and often dangerous, world. Learn about self awareness,
family councils, neighborhood watch, workplace wardens,
and more. An ounce of prevention is truly worth a pound
of cure.