• Physical Terrorism. Physical destruction of property or the taking of human lives or both (e.g., the September 11 attack).
  • Psychological Terrorism. Instillation of fear or terror in people as a way of taking away the basic rights of everyday life (e.g., a terrorist threat that prevents people from traveling, being in public places, or opening their mail).
  • Technological Terrorism. Use of information technology and the Internet to formulate plans, recruit members, communicate between cells and members, raise funds, and spread propaganda.
  • Cyber Terrorism. Use of cyber tools to shut down, degrade, or deny access to critical national infrastructures (such as energy, transportation, and communication) or government services or both in order to coerce or intimidate a government or civilian population. Cyber terrorism is an emerging threat that we must develop prevention, deterrence, and response capabilities to combat.
  • Chemical or Biological Terrorism (Bioterrorism). Use of deadly chemicals or biological agents to produce illness or death in people or contaminate resources. The DOD estimates that as many as twenty-six countries may possess biological or chemical agents. Additionally, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) reports that approximately ten countries are currently conducting research on chemical and biological agents for weaponization. The U.S. Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 created a general prohibition against the development, production, stockpiling, transfer, acquisition, or possession of biological weapons that is punishable by imprisonment or civil penalties or both. For more information, see http://www.sunshine-project.org/bwintro/uscode.html.

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