Call each of the three credit
bureaus' fraud units to report identity theft. Ask
the bureaus to put a fraud alert/victim impact statement
in your credit file asking that creditors contact
you before opening any new accounts. Clone any accounts
in your name that were opened without your authority.
Contact your local police department to
report the crime, and ask for a copy of the police
Contact the local U.S. Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) and/or local post office.
Contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
to report the problem.
Call your state Department of
Motor Vehicles (DMV) to see if they issued another
license in your name. If needed, file a DMV complaint
form to begin the fraud investigation.
Contact your bank and credit
card companies immediately. If needed,
obtain new cards with new passwords or personal identification numbers (PINs).
Keep a log of all persons that
you contact (with telephone numbers), and photocopy all
pertinent documents pertaining to your investigation.
You can report identity theft to
several organizations.